Becky's Yarnin'

The Final 'do

The Final 'do

        Over The Years, I have had The opportunity to Meet Many Clients that have Become Family to me. Some that I call "Lifers"... as they have been with Me, since Day 1. There's been Many Hugs, Smiles, Tears, and Secrets shared form both Sides of The Chair. And because of that, You Share a Special Bond with that person until "Death Do We Part". There has been a few times have I been requested to Create The "Final 'do". But as the Funeral Business has changed up a lot over the years, and Cremation has become more predominate, it's not always necessary to have a "Final 'do". Once upon a time there were mostly "Traditional Funerals" where there was a Casket & a Body, to Pay Your Last Respects to. Over The Years I have attended a lot of Funerals, and remember the 1st one I attended that the Family Member had been Cremated. I found that disturbing at first, as there was no body to Pay Your Last Respects to. It was like they had never passed on. I hope no one takes offense to this, it's just that I came from a Family that mostly had "Traditional Funerals". It seemed like Mom and Me were always heading to Someone's Funeral... because if I didn't know the Person, She did. So as My "Lifers" pass on, I get the Occasional Request for The "Final 'do", as They are Having a "Traditional Funeral". This week, that Request came. The picture shown attached to this post, was shortly after a Dear Soul left this Earth behind. As I strolled along Our Beloved Big Beach, I thought of Her, and Her Daughter and Immediate Family. I knew She could Rest In Peace now. Last Evening I drove to Her Church, where She was Laid to Rest until after Her Funeral today. As I Created Her "Final 'do", I talked to Her, as I knew She would have done the same for me. We had a Close Bond over the Years as She Visited The Shop every Month, for Her Hairdo, and also to Gather up Fibres to Knit Socks... a woman who had my same interests, but with much more experience... in everything... from sweeping floors, baking bread, knitting socks, and figuring out why Men do what they do! I would laugh, and told Her last night, that all of her lessons she gave me, would come into good use. The last time she Visited the shop, We Hugged, as We always did, as She was leaving, not knowing that it could be the last time, for one of us. I knew in My Heart that it most likely was the Last Time I would see Her in My Shop, as I could tell by the way She spoke that Her Body was Getting Very Tired. I will Deeply Miss Her ~ RIP Eula 

~ Becky 
