Becky's Yarnin'

Season 37 / Episode 1... 36 Years / Seasons & Counting

Season 37 / Episode 1... 36 Years / Seasons & Counting

Here I awake to Another Beautiful Day in Our Little SeaSide Town of Lockeport, as I have done so for Many Years. Today marks the 1st Day I Started My business of HairDoing @ 40 North, on My Own. It was a Wednesday when I first stood behind My Styling Chair. The 1st Appointment of The Day was at 9am, a Shampoo / Cut Style for Nellie Chymist, who still is a Client of Mine to this Day. She and Her Husband Hilton have been Visiting the Shop, Every Month, Forever. On that Particular Day I worked until well after 9pm, as the Last Appointment was booked at 9pm... and there where many days that happened for many, many years. I know this because I still have My Very 1st Appointment Book. When I started out, it was Full Time Plus... Never worked a Weekend, unless it was a Wedding Party. But usually worked 5 Full days and at least 3 nites. 

Over the Years, there's been Many HairDressers Come and Go, Other Businesses as Well... Humans too. Either Residents stayed like Myself & Shawn and made a Life, a Pretty Good One I'd Say... where others Moved on to Where they Set down New Roots. And like My Parents, others lived here All of their Lives, until they Passed on, and headed out their final resting place at one of the Many Local Cemeteries. As We grow Older, I see many Originals who have "Moved Back Home", or wish they could. As We grow Older, All of Our Lives change. I use to Listen to Dad say, "My Gawd, If Frank, (as we called him ,Dads Father / My Grandfather), was alive, he'd never believe this... and now guess what I'm saying... "My Gawd, if Dad was alive, He'd never believe this. I can't even begin to write down the changes on here today. Oh, but I have, in My Journals. Dad always wrote in a Journal most every day too. Often I take one of His out of the bookcase to read, as I have saved them all. And now there's a Collection of Mine, next to His, collecting history. Year after Year they continue to grow. In those Books contains A LOT of Hand Written Events, Timelines, Deaths, the Weather, and the List goes on. 

And as I look back upon My Business Life, it has had it's Ups & Downs, Lots of Changes, and Memories that I hold Dear to My Heart. The Many Laughs, Shenanigan's, and of course tears shed too. Being a HairDresser, especially one on one, you get to know your Clients real well. And some of course will say to me, as they knew My Parents, "When Your Mouth Opens, Your Father Steps Out", Ha! My Clients have Shared some of The Best and Worst Moments of their Lives, and Vise Versa. And now, with a Growing Fibre Clientele, from My Yarn Shop, I have gotten to know their lives too. I am a People Person.. I like to get to Know who I'm dealing with. You might call me "Old School". Believe it or not, I dislike computers, but as I continue to have a business, it is necessary to do so. I drive My Accountant, crazy as I still lug her my Hand Written Year End Book Work. Some things will never change. And I hope they never do! 

 Episode 1 of Season 37, Starts Today! And Lets Hope its a Good One! Not too much Drama... I just tend to walk away from all of that now. If it's not happenin' in My 50 x 100, I could care less. I guess that comes with age. Speaking of which, some of you reading this, including myself, have a lot less sunsets in front of us, than we have behind us... 

Make. Every. Day. Count!!!    ~ Becky
