Becky's Yarnin'

History Continues to Repeat Itself

History Continues to Repeat Itself

Believe it or not, HandKnit Socks are still made with the Same Skills & Techniques they have been for Hundreds of Years. Infact many years ago, there wasn't a Pattern available, Fibres to Knit with, and sometimes you even had to get creative as to what you used for Needles. Today, We waltz into a Local Yarn Shop and Browse around... some Color or Fibre catches Our Eye, and so it begins.

 Many Moons ago, a person would have to Raise their own Sheep, Sheer them at the right time of year, which was not an easy task, to say the least. Then proceed to Soak & Wash the manure from the Natural Fibre, letting it dry, while picking out sticks and debris. Finally, card, spin and Knit into Essentials such as Socks, Mittens, Hats, Sweaters and whatnot. Years back, Knitting was not as Glamourous as it is today. Like most Everything, Modern Technology has brought stuff up to speed for Us Creative Souls. Mind you there are still Some who do Painstakingly, and might I add, Enjoy to do it from Scratch. Just like Cutting and Burning Wood to Heat Our Homes or Making and Baking a Loaf of Bread. It's One of the Many Basic Living Skills of Life. A Connection to History that continues Today for a lot. 

Knitting is actually a Lifeline for Some Individuals. Prior to Covid My Shop was a Hub for Weekly "Knit & Yarn Gathering"s". Once, if not twice a week, Knitters would embark for hours of Laughter, Conversation, Learning, Eating and Sometimes even a Few Stitches were completed. We all became like a Sisterhood of sorts. Getting to know one another's Families, Celebrations, HeartAche and More. Knitters have an UnBreakable Bond. We find Happiness and FulFillment from Knitting and Gathering together. All along a Friendship develops. We Start to UnderStand and Look into One Another's Souls. I'm So Pleased to be able to get back to Hosting these Regular Gathering's. You might just say It's Every Fibre Friends Favourite Day of The Week in Our Little SeaSide Town of Lockeport!! Keep them Needles Clickin' Gurls! Woolen M'Ocean (see FB page) will soon be Hosting some of these Events outside in The Summer Sun, by the Crashing Ocean Waves 

                                                                                              ~ Sea Ya Soon ~ Bye for Now ~ 

                                                                                                            - Becky 

